
The Solahütte was a recreation resort some 30 km from the camp complex. The German camp staff of Auschwitz regularly went to this place on weekends. The resort was built by prisoners of Auschwtiz concentration camp.

The Karl Höcker album

Karl Höcker was the right-hand man of Richard Baer, the last commandant of the Auschwitz complex. He made a photo album of the ‘good times’ he enjoyed there, depicting the world inhabited by the perpetrators. Photography was banned at the camp, but that did not prevent many Germans from taking pictures. There was a photographic service (Erkennungsdienst) at Auschwitz too, to provide ID and other official photographs. The Höcker album illustrates the parallel world inhabited by the officers and guards between May 1944 and January 1945 – the period in which we see two series of photos from that period shot at the Solahütte, a resort located about 30 km from the camp complex. Officers, guards and female SS auxiliaries are shown relaxing. One woman has brought her twoyear-old son.

Demolition of the Solahütte

The former Solahütte was converted into a restaurant at the Międzybrodzie Bialskie holiday resort. The building was demolished in 2011.